Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Amazon Kindle - your ideal gift for the readers on your Xmas list

Amazon "kindles" a new fire in electronic book reading. This 6 minute video shows how you will use this new portable, 10.3ounce, paperback size device. Download your reading library via a wireless connection just like calling on your cell phone. This device and the kindle service will revolutionize the book, magazine,newspaper and blog publishing media space.

It's already sold out at Amazon, so you will have to stand in line to get one for your Xmas list. I want one too.

Amazon.com : Entertainment : A Video Demonstration of Amazon Kindle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really like the Kindle -it may go on my Xmas wish list!

Quick question Dave - what's the deal with Jiglu ? What's the " ROA" in using it ?



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