Tuesday, January 05, 2010

altus' Ted Cocheu and Robert Scoble.

A voice from my past experiences at the eLearning Forum several years ago brought alive in a recent video interview of Altus CEO Ted Cocheu by Robert Scoble. = great explanation of the altus dynamic knowledge repository service.If the video is on the Altus knowledge base, it would represent an opportunity to add a meta level graphic user interface of a scribed recording of the interview.

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Ed M said...

The search capabilities with the Altus tool reminds me of the search capabilities with the C-Span Video Library. What also caught my attention with this Building43 video was the capability to combine video with slides and the transcribed text. This is the type of integration I was looking for in past conversations.

dave davison said...

Hi ed! my first experience with Altus was at SRI where I found the archive of the eLearning Forum, and made it a key slide in my preso on Wikinomics.

I compared it to TiVo as a post-event knowledge base, recallable on demand.

Altus principal clients use them to archive meeetings and events for subsequent searching. Tjhe key searching mechanism is the full text transcript of any videos, slides, audio content that they retain.

Would you be interested in collaborating on the application of Altus archiving capabilities with a visual front end that would allow users to explore the archives as I have been dreaming of since I started this blog.

And could you send me an email directly with your CV- so that I can see if you could be a valued addition to the team my son Mike and I are putting together to provide the services of master graphic facilitators for any web-based meeting.

I believe the archive( Dynmaic Knowledge Repository- DKR - to use Doug Engelbart's term) is an essential part of the cumulative value of visually recorded mulitmedia knowledge objects, and I plan to reconnect with Ted Cocheu at Altus to explore how we might team up with them.

The best version of the DKR that I know of besides Altus is the Ted Talks archives which I have been studying for a long time.

The necessity as I see it it to provide a user with multiple ways to search and access multimedia material, sort of in the same way the IMDB movie repository works.

Thanks for the link back to the CSPAN example - which I will spend more time on to understand their approach.

Years ago my company at the time produced a comprehensive archive for CBS News which supported Wlater CRonkhite and his team of editorsgiving them rapid access to 40 years worth of CBS news content - so this is not a new "hobby" with me.

I think one of the keys to soimplifying user search lies in the creation of a Map-like space where visual cues enable a holistic view of a large corpus of multimedia content with the map surface(canvas) providing meta-level visualizations such as those I first here Thoughts Illustrated: BIGVIZ - an ebook of sketches from TED2008



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