Friday, March 28, 2008

BIGVIZ - an ebook of sketches from TED2008

This is the cover of a 200 page ebook created by Autodesk capturing in full color, sketches of the 50 or so speakers at TED2008 conference and an artistic visualization of the content of their speeches. The book is offered as a free downloadable pdf at if:book: the big book of TED

BIGVIZ comes very close to my concept for mural casting.Thoughts Illustrated: MuralCasting - Improving ROA (Return on attention) What's missing from the ebook is a hyperlink from each sketch to the audio/video archive of the conference giving a visual context to the recorded archive of the TED speakers. I will be talking with Tom Wujek at Autodesk to see if I can create a hyperlink layer from the BIGVIZ artwork to the audio recording of the speeches from the TED archive. Without the speech link, the images in BIGVIZ are interesting but lack the context of hearing the speaker's voices or watching segments of the selected video.


cfc said...

"muralcasting" is the ::perfect:: word, dave! nice.

Anonymous said...


Christopher is correct...MURALCasting is brilliant!

-bill daul



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