I had the great pleasure to attend the launch part for Nancy Duarte's new book Resonate - and not only enjoyed a superbly catered affair, but met a lot of interesting folks in the graphic design, speech coaching and information architecture arena. Best of all was Nancy's heart-felt and powerful dedication of the book to her Dad - and the compelling story of its creation. Nancy signed my book and I will soon be learning from it. Here's a blurb from Nick Morgan at Forbes:
And as an extra benefit for reading this post, here is an example of Nancy's presentation style, proving that you don't have to bore your audience with PowerPoint ( the presentation was crafted using only the PPT tool)
Here are 2 separate posts from the blog Network Singularity. Taken together they articulate the concepts and practices of creating and sharing social media in a succinct and useful way.
David Armano's contributions to the SlideShare archive are presentation gems. I embedded this one in preparation for a lunch with Chris Carfi one of Armano's Edelman Digital colleagues.