Thursday, May 01, 2008

Noise Creep?

I have been watching the rising tide of concern for the increase in the garbage quotient in the blogosphere and the declining quality of the content of online conversations. Just the other day it was Scoble who admittd to being inundated with Twits from his followers(it's his own fault IMO) and today Seth Godin, another A-list blogger, sounds off on the same theme:

Seth's Blog: Signal to noise:

"Lately, I’m feeling noise creep.

Lately, the noise seems to be increasing and the signal is fading in comparison. Too much spam, too many posts, too little insight leaking through. I don’t use Twitter, but I know a lot of Twitter users are feeling this. So are folks who go to too many conferences. And don’t get me started on victims of Blackberry cc: disease.

I wish I could tell you the easy answer. I can’t. I just know that the faltering signal is a problem."

It sure is, Seth. We're caught in a death spiral of Twittering, Facebooking, Texting, and IM-ing, which Professor BJ Fogg, at the Stanford Center for Persuasive Technologies admiringly calls Massive Interpersonal Persuasion (MIP). As it becomes increasingly difficult to filter out the signal from the rising tide of noise, we are squandering our most precious asset ....Attention!


Unknown said...

Thanks for talking about my work at Stanford. Let me clarify the comments:

I've talked about the "death spiral" you describe. I call it "relationship overload." I've not written anything on this topic, but I have made presentations describing the problem and some potential solutions.

My work on Mass Interpersonal Persuasion (MIP) describes a different phenomenon. It's not about noise creep or the relationship demands. Instead, MIP is a new form of persuasion that combines six elements. In brief, it's the merger of interpersonal persuasion with tech tools that give reach of mass media. I've written a paper on this topic that you can find here:

On other topics, the photo above grabbing my attention. Creepy yet familiar.

BJ Fogg

dave davison said...

@BJ: Thanks for the comment and the link to your pdf on MIP which will allow others who follow the link to study your theories of MIP more thoroughly.

Could you point me to the presentations you made regarding "relationship overload."?

As for the Noise Creep image, I cannot remember where I found it on the net and thus have no way to reference its origin.

I think I will call him the Noise Creep and having named him use MIP principles to bring him to greater prominence as an icon of the problem he represents.

What say you?



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